Monday, May 28, 2007

EPISODE 5 - THE SECRET Talkcast: Oprah, Yes - But Others, Too

Title: EPISODE5 - THE SECRET Talkcast - Oprah, Yes - But Others, Too

Time: 02/15/07 02:32 PM EST

Description: Been pondering this latest push for The Secret since Oprah. Her statement about "this is what I've been talking about..." struck me.

As I think of the people I know personally - even in my own little sphere of existence - I am struck by the successes of those who just naturally assume the "abundance mentality": A close friend and cohort who serves as he (unconsciously) receives, a Realtor colleague who just always assumes the best and loves to do the tasks in her business that others avoid (and her business grows), friends from college who always shared and gave and live such an abundant life.

I will try to interview these people down the road as we examine what makes some people "tick" better than others. Many seem to have a "piece" of The Secret and it's worth a few minutes to find out how and why.

(Currently on vacation in FL - will resume and "catch up upn my return.)

Listen to this episode here.

Memorial Day Gratitude

One of The Secret principles essential to a successful life is Gratitude. Without strong feelings of gratitude - an appreciation for what you have, are, or for what others have given - it would be silly to expect more in your life. Memorial Day is a day of Gratitude for me.

Over 20 years ago my first home was located on a dead end street in upstate New York. The street was incredibly quiet all the time, until Memorial Day rolled around each spring. On that day it was jammed with slow moving vehicles making their way into the gated cemetery at its terminus. The cars, trucks, and vans would each move respectfully into the narrow opening, then the caravan would spread out as appreciative loved ones would find their way to specific gravesites, many for their only visit of the year.

Flags would be posted, flowers deposited, and prayers said as the grateful would sacrifice a few hours of their time on behalf of the remains of those who had sacrificed all. The next day the usually morose cemetery would be ablaze with bright colors of red, white, and blue as well as the hues of a dozen flower varieties, both organic and plastic. It was a glorious sight.

My paternal grandfather was buried there. He didn't die in the war he fought, and neither did my own father, but they sacrificed regardless and made my world one of freedom and prosperity. I remember them for not backing down from an ideal. I esteem them - and those who share such courage and commitment today - as the heroes they became. Ordinary men are accomplishing extraordinary tasks for us. Please remember them.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

EPISODE2 - THE SECRET - Secret Tales

Title: EPISODE2 - THE SECRET TalkCast - Secret Tales

Time: 12/28/06 08:15 PM EST

Description: Let's talk about the principles of "The Secret" and discuss where we've seen them in action - or NOT. Are we seeing contradictions? Is there confusion over what we do and what The Secret does?

EPISODE 1 - THE SECRET: Hype or Heaven-Sent?

EPISODE 1 - THE SECRET - Hype or Heaven-sent?

Time: 12/14/06 11:15 PM EST

Description: Prep yourself by going to the website www.TheSecret.TV and looking around. Then decide if you want to invest the $4.95 in the streaming video and then join us for the discussion. I viewed it in a business setting once (as of 12/11) and took seven pages of notes. I know someone will be successful as a result of the fast-paced, emotionally moving message, but the question remains as to whom - Buyer or Seller? Let's talk about this video's impact on both in Episode 1.

(We'll be reposting a few of these to bring the blog current - quality was fair to poor in the first few episodes, so try to be tolerant. It gets better. Most discussion will begin after we get caught up here. Thanks to for the help.)

Listen to the TalkCast of Episode 1 here.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Secret Talkcast Summation Comment

Original Post 11 December 2006
Madison, Wisconsin

After watching "The Secret" video I became aware of two things: 1)There are truths here and 2)This will impact everyone differently as it is a thought-provoking subject. News media and talk shows (not "shoes") are already picking up on the marketing campaign and "international release"

This should be a lively discussion as we discuss the video, the message, and the changes we all can experience over the months. Join in the fun and have your say - we'll need it to keep this blog and discussion moving and interesting.

This blog is a companion to THE SECRET Talkcast found on The recording quality is poor at first, but it does get better over time. I'll bespending a few days updating old episodes and blogs - then we get current.

A larger overview and selection of the podcasts/talkcasts can be found at

Thanks for visiting and listening.

Art Blanchet