Monday, May 14, 2007

The Secret Talkcast Summation Comment

Original Post 11 December 2006
Madison, Wisconsin

After watching "The Secret" video I became aware of two things: 1)There are truths here and 2)This will impact everyone differently as it is a thought-provoking subject. News media and talk shows (not "shoes") are already picking up on the marketing campaign and "international release"

This should be a lively discussion as we discuss the video, the message, and the changes we all can experience over the months. Join in the fun and have your say - we'll need it to keep this blog and discussion moving and interesting.

This blog is a companion to THE SECRET Talkcast found on The recording quality is poor at first, but it does get better over time. I'll bespending a few days updating old episodes and blogs - then we get current.

A larger overview and selection of the podcasts/talkcasts can be found at

Thanks for visiting and listening.

Art Blanchet

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