Monday, May 28, 2007

EPISODE 5 - THE SECRET Talkcast: Oprah, Yes - But Others, Too

Title: EPISODE5 - THE SECRET Talkcast - Oprah, Yes - But Others, Too

Time: 02/15/07 02:32 PM EST

Description: Been pondering this latest push for The Secret since Oprah. Her statement about "this is what I've been talking about..." struck me.

As I think of the people I know personally - even in my own little sphere of existence - I am struck by the successes of those who just naturally assume the "abundance mentality": A close friend and cohort who serves as he (unconsciously) receives, a Realtor colleague who just always assumes the best and loves to do the tasks in her business that others avoid (and her business grows), friends from college who always shared and gave and live such an abundant life.

I will try to interview these people down the road as we examine what makes some people "tick" better than others. Many seem to have a "piece" of The Secret and it's worth a few minutes to find out how and why.

(Currently on vacation in FL - will resume and "catch up upn my return.)

Listen to this episode here.

1 comment:

Randy.Q said...

I own The Secret and have read it. I think it's a crock to be honest. I mean, its all well and good to think positive but If I think about a millions dollars enough, its not like its just going to appear out of no where, you know? That's just me :)